Eleanor Oxlade1
(1819 - )
Father | Thomas Oxlade1 b. 1781 |
Mother | Catherine Green1 b. 1783, d. 10 Jun 1839 |
Relationship | Great-aunt of Eliza Alice Oxlade |
Life Events
She was christened on 3 October 1819 in Fingest, Buckinghamshire, England
She appeared on the census on 6 April 1841, in the household of Thomas Oxlade in Lane End, Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England

About December 1859, Eleanor, married John Gurney, in Amersham District in Buckinghamshire, England

Eleanor, age 41, appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 in Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England

Eleanor, age 71, appeared on the census of 5 April 1891 in Glebe Cottages, Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England

- [S68] Genes Reunited Susan Oxlade/Rogers, online http://www.genesreunited.co.uk/search.asp
- [S103] Oxlade Family History, online http://freepages.family.rootsweb.com/~oxladefamilyhistory/…
- [S92] 1841 UK Census.
- [S89] 1861 UK Census.
- [S19] 1891 UK Census.
Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.
John Gurney1
(a 1832 - )
Life Events
John Gurney was born about 1832 in Lee, Buckinghamshire, England
He was christened on 24 June 1832 in Lee, Buckinghamshire, England

About December 1859, John, married Eleanor Oxlade, daughter of Thomas Oxlade and Catherine Green, in Amersham District in Buckinghamshire, England

John appeared on the census of 7 April 1861 in Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England

John appeared on the census of 2 April 1871 in Chesham, Buckinghamshire, England

- [S68] Genes Reunited Susan Oxlade/Rogers, online http://www.genesreunited.co.uk/search.asp
- [S9] IGI, online http://www.familysearch.org
- [S89] 1861 UK Census.
- [S108] 1871 UK Census.
Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.
Grant Andrew Williams
(1987 - 2008)
Relationship | 2nd great-nephew of George Henry Burnard North |
Life Events
Grant Andrew Williams was born on 24 February 1987 in South Australia
He died on Henley Beach Road, Lockleys, South Australia

Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.
Frederick Bath1
(a 1886 - 1967)
Charts | Hector Oxlade Descendants Chart |
Life Events
Frederick Bath was born about 1886 in Apsley, Victoria, Australia
Frederick, married Blanche Lydia Oxlade, daughter of William Charles Oxlade and Catherine Mary Wilkins.1
He died on Thursday, 13 July 1967, in Semaphore Park, South Australia

- [S68] Genes Reunited Susan Oxlade/Rogers, online http://www.genesreunited.co.uk/search.asp
- [S6] Death records, SAGHS CD Deaths 1916-1972.
Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.
Richard Oxlade1
(1729 - 1783)
Father | John Oxlade2 b. a 1721, d. 29 Oct 1780 |
Charts | Barbara (Talbot) Edmonds Pedigree Barb pedigree |
Relationship | 2nd great-grandfather of Eliza Alice Oxlade |
Spouse: Elizabeth Tyler
- Thomas Oxlade+1 b. 1781
- Richard Oxlade4 b. a 1782
Life Events
Richard Oxlade was born in 1729 in Great Marlow, Buckinghamshire, England
On 21 September 1778, Richard, married Elizabeth Tyler, in Fingest, Buckinghamshire, England

Richard died in 1783, aged 54 years,1 and he left a will
The Will of Richard Oxlard (Oxlade)
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Richard Oxlard the Elder of Lane End Moore in the Parish of Finghurst otherwise Fingest in the County of Bucks Killman (sic) being Sick and Weak in Body but of Sound Mind Memory and Understanding (Blessed be God therefore) Doo this Nineth Day of April In the Twenty Third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third by the Grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith and so forth And in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty three make and Publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following FIRST I commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God and my Body I Commit to the Earth to be Decently Buried at the Discretion of my Executrix herein after named And as for my Wordly Estate I Dispose thereof in manner following (that is to say) I hereby Give Will and Devise unto my Dear and loving Wife ELIZABETH Oxlard All that my Copyhold or Customary Messuage Cottage or Tenement wherein I now Dwell Situate at Lane End Moor(sic) aforesaid And also All that my Brick Kiln Workinghouses Outhouses Edifises Buildings Barns Stables Yards Orchards Gardens and Backsides thereunto belonging Used or in anywise Apportaining AND ALSO ALL Those of my Copyhold or Customary Arable Lands and Meadow Ground Containing by Estimation Five Acres (be the same more or less) Situate lying and being at Lane End Moore aforesaid and within the Manor aforesaid and hold by Copy of Court Roll of the the same Manor (and which said Copyhold Premises I have Surrendered to the use of my Will) TO HOLD The said Copyhold or Customary Messuage Cottage or Tenement Brick Killn Arable Lands and Meadows Ground Hereditaments and all and Singular other the Premises with their and every of their Appurts unto her my said Wife ELIZABETH Oxlard and her Assignees for and During and Untill my son THOMAS Oxlard Shall Attain to the Age of One and TwentyYears Then I hereby further Give Will and Devise the same Messuage Cottage or Tenement Brick Killn Workhouses Outhouses and all other the Buildings Arable Lands Meadow Ground And all and Singular other the premises hereinbefore mentioned and every part and parcel thereof with their and every of their Appurts unto him my said son THOMAS Oxlard TOHAVE AND TO HOLD unto him my said Son THOMAS Oxlard his Heirs and Assignees forever According to the Custom of the said Manor And all and every of my Household Goods Furniture AND Implements of Household I hereby Give and Bequeath the same and every part thereof Unto my said Wife ELIZABETH Oxlard and my said Son THOMAS Oxlard and my son RICHARD Oxlard To be equally divided between them share and share Alike when and as Soon as my said son Thomas Oxlard Shall have Attained his said Age of One and Twenty Years AND all and every my Stocks and Kill (sic) Ware Bricks and Lime Working Tools belonging to the Brickmaking Business and Chattels Cattle Crops of Corn Grain Grass and hay Thrased(sic) and Unthrashed Planted and Growing on all and every of my own Lands and the Lands Rented by me at the time of my Decease Moneys and Securities for Money Book Debts And all other my Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and of what Nature Kind or Quality so ever the Same are or be not by me otherwise already Disposed of (after and Subject to the Payment of my Just Debts (Except Mortgages) and the payment of my Funeral Expenses) I hereby Give and Bequeath the same and every part thereof and all my Estate and Interest therein unto her my said Wife ELIZABETH Oxlard and my said son RICHARD Oxlard their Executors and Admons To be equally Divided between them Share and Share alike when and so soon as he my said SonTHOMAS Oxlard Shall have Attained the Age of One and Twenty Years AND I hereby Nominate Ordaine Constitute and Appoint her my said Wife ELIZABETHOxlard Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament hereby Revoking and Making Void all former and other Wills by me at any time heretofore made and Published and Doo Declare this only to be my last Will and Testament IN WITNESS whereof I the said Richard Oxlard the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament Contained in two Sheets of Paper to the first Sheet thereof Set my hand and to this last Sheet Sett my hand and Affix my Seal the Day and Year first above written//. The marke of the Elder Richard X Oxlard.
- [S68] Genes Reunited Susan Oxlade/Rogers, online http://www.genesreunited.co.uk/search.asp
- [S136] Ancestry.com.au, online http://search.ancestry.com.au
- [S9] IGI, online http://www.familysearch.org
- [S48] GenCircles, online http://www.gencircles.com/users/alftabor/10/data/1152
Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.
Frederick Hodges1
Spouse: Kezia Margaret Gollop (about 1862 - )
- Mabel May Hodges+1 b. 1 Nov 1886
Life Events
On 13 January 1886, Frederick, married Kezia Margaret Gollop, in Clayton Church in Kensington, South Australia
- [S3] Marriage Registrations, South Australian Marriages 1842-1916.
Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.
Kezia Margaret Gollop1
(a 1862 - )
Spouse: Frederick Hodges
- Mabel May Hodges+1 b. 1 Nov 1886
Life Events
Kezia Margaret Gollop was born about 1862.1On 13 January 1886, Kezia, married Frederick Hodges, in Clayton Church in Kensington, South Australia

- [S3] Marriage Registrations, South Australian Marriages 1842-1916.
Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.
Alfred August Henry Dawe1
(1892 - 1957)
Life Events
Alfred August Henry Dawe was born on 12 September 1892 in Gawler, South Australia
On 27 December 1911, Alfred, aged 19, married Helen Henrietta Amber, aged 19, in the residence of Harriet Dawe in Gawler, South Australia

He died on Wednesday, 17 July 1957, aged 64 years, 10 months and 5 days, in South Australia

Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.