Extracted from E.C.Clayton's "English Female Artists", vol.2, pub. 1876, pp227-29
DAUGHTER of E. Edmonds, Esq., J.P. of Berri-field, was born at Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire. Her father died when she was about twelve years of age. A few years later, on the completion of her education, Miss Edmonds accompanied her mother on a tour of about two years, through all the principal cities of Europe - six months of which were passed in Rome. In this city Miss Edmonds had the advantage of mingling in the best artistic circles; she constantly visited the studios of all the leading artists, and thus no doubt laid the foundation for the taste and talent she afterwards displayed. She had also the advantage of a refined and intellectual companion in her mother, who was an accomplished amateur and a great lover of art in all its branches. Together they visited the principal galleries and fine art treasures of Europe, including those of Paris, Milan, Florence, Vienna, Dresden, and other places of minor importance.
During her sojourn in Rome, Miss Edmonds devoted herself chiefly to copying Raffaelle's figures and the pictures of the leading painters of the Italian school; she also studied from the cast and from life. About two years after her return from the Continent, Miss Edmonds married William Collings Lukis, son of the late Thomas Guerin, Esq., of Upton Hellions Manor, in the County of Devon.
The Guerin family is very celebrated. The name, ranking with the most ancient in Europe, is of Roman origin - "Varinus," hence Warinus, Guarin, and, after 1550, Guerin. In connection with painting and sculpture it is one well known. The Guerins and Guarins, both French and Italian, have, as a race, given to the world, in the course of ages, many distinguished statesmen, soldiers, poets, painters, men of letters, and noted citizens. In the Church the name has been particularly eminent: on its roll figure a martyr, with saints, cardinals, archbishops, bishops, abbots, and numerous other dignitaries. During the Crusades they took a very prominent position, two being raised to the dignity of Grand Master of the Knights Hospitallers; besides others as distinguished knights of the Order. The young French poet, Maurice de Guerin, and his sister, Eugenie, belonged to this great historical family. The Guerins of Devonshire are descendants of Daniel Guerin, a Huguenot
A little work has been written by Mr. W. C. Lukis Guerin, entitled "Huguenot Guerins and their Descendants," giving a most interesting account of the family. The book was printed for private circulation, but may be seen in the library of the British Museum.
Mrs. Guerin, some years after her marriage, visited the island of Guernsey, and during her stay availed herself of the instruction of Mr. Paul Naftel, member of the Old Society of Painters in Water Colour, in landscape painting, which branch of art she followed for some time. She afterwards turned her more special attention to the study of still life, under the guidance of Mr. Hector Caffieri, an artist of the French school, whose style suggested to Mrs. Guerin the effective way in which she delineates her flower subjects and still life. Her lights are very brilliant, while the shadows are cool, clear, and subdued. Her treatment of game, fish, etc., have also gained for her a high reputation. One of her large game subjects, exhibited in the Royal Academy of 1875, is in the possession of R. E. Webster, Esq., barrister.
Mrs. Guerin exhibits in all the principal galleries of London and the provinces, and has received constant praise and encouragement from the critics, and from collectors.
One of her pictures is exhibited at the Royal Academy this season. The subject is a group of "Azaleas."