Joseph Anthony Barry1
(1909 - 1986)
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Life Events
Joseph Anthony Barry was born on 20 July 1909 in Mount Gambier, South Australia
In 1940, Joseph, married Hazel Isobel Yates, daughter of William John Yeates and Sarah Ann Barrass, in Mildura, Victoria, Australia

From the "Southern Cross", Adelaide, 20 September 1940
The bride's frock, made on slim girlish lines, was of artichoke green lightweight wool, with the new im pressed pleats forming a front panel to the skirt. A penny-tan velour hat, trimmed at the back with a gay cockade the same shade as the frock, was matched by suede shoes, gloves, belt, and bag. Her shoulder spray was of pansies and leaves in rich autumn tones, and a dainty lace hand kerchief, that had been carried by Mrs. lies. Richardson at her recent wedding, was the "something borrowed."
Miss Veronica Forbes, the bride's attendant, was in rust, with nigger brown accessories. Mr. Bernard Long was best man.
The reception was held at the Hotel Wintersun. Mrs. Yates, frocked in a smart tailored navy costume, a becom ing hat to match, and a spray of deli cate lemon and blue flowers set off with tawny leaves, received the guests. Regret was expressed at the parents of the bridegroom not being able to be present. The usual toasts were honored, and many telegrams read. Vocal items rendered by many of the guests were much enjoyed. Included among those present were the Rev. Frs. Timmons and Linane. Later the happy couple left by car for their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barry will make their future home in Mil dura.3
With Nuptial Mass the marriage of Mr. Joseph Barry and Miss Hazel Yates was celebrated recently at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Mildura. The Rev. Fr. Tiinmons, assisted by the Rev. Fr. Linane, officiated at the ceremony. As the bride entered the church with her father, Mrs. Morrison, who presided at the organ, played the Bridal March, and during Mass the "O Salutaris" was sung by Mr. Jack Treacy.BARRY—YATES.
The bride's frock, made on slim girlish lines, was of artichoke green lightweight wool, with the new im pressed pleats forming a front panel to the skirt. A penny-tan velour hat, trimmed at the back with a gay cockade the same shade as the frock, was matched by suede shoes, gloves, belt, and bag. Her shoulder spray was of pansies and leaves in rich autumn tones, and a dainty lace hand kerchief, that had been carried by Mrs. lies. Richardson at her recent wedding, was the "something borrowed."
Miss Veronica Forbes, the bride's attendant, was in rust, with nigger brown accessories. Mr. Bernard Long was best man.
The reception was held at the Hotel Wintersun. Mrs. Yates, frocked in a smart tailored navy costume, a becom ing hat to match, and a spray of deli cate lemon and blue flowers set off with tawny leaves, received the guests. Regret was expressed at the parents of the bridegroom not being able to be present. The usual toasts were honored, and many telegrams read. Vocal items rendered by many of the guests were much enjoyed. Included among those present were the Rev. Frs. Timmons and Linane. Later the happy couple left by car for their honeymoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barry will make their future home in Mil dura.3
He died on Monday, 28 July 1986, aged 77 years and 8 days, in South Australia

- [S2] Birth Registrations, S.A. Births 1907-1928.
- [S269] Victorian BDM, online
- [S195] "Trove" Digititised Newspapers, online
- [S32] Adelaide "Advertiser" obituary.
Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.
Iris Doreen Handberg1
(a 1907 - 1950)
Life Events
Iris Doreen Handberg was born about 1907.2On 29 November 1924, Iris, married Edgar John Shepley, aged 21, son of Edgar John Shepley and Frances McCartney, in Mica Street Methodist Church in Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia

She died on Thursday, 16 November 1950, in Woodville Gardens, South Australia

Iris was buried on 17 November 1950 in the Cheltenham Cemetery, Cheltenham, South Australia

- [S195] "Trove" Digititised Newspapers, online
- [S44] Adelaide Cemeteries Authority, online
Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.