Gladys Lilian King1
(1914 - 1983)
Life Events
Gladys Lilian King was born on 15 April 1914 in England
On 29 January 1945, Gladys, aged 30, married Jesse Dixon, aged 25, son of Elwyn Giddings and Caroline Hilda Dixon, in Southampton, Hampshire, England

She died in October 1983, aged 69 years and 5 months, in England

- [S136], online
Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.
George Albert Holben1
(1923 - 1997)
Life Events
George Albert Holben was born on 1 April 1923 in Plaistow, London, England
On 20 September 1941, George, aged 18, married Josephine Giddings, aged 17, daughter of Elwyn Giddings and Caroline Hilda Dixon, in Devizes, Wiltshire, England

He died on Monday, 29 September 1997, aged 74 years, 5 months and 28 days, in Beaudesert, Queensland, Australia

- [S136], online
Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.