James Thomas Milnes1
(1922 - 1996)
Life Events
James Thomas Milnes was born on 9 July 1922 in Colac, Victoria, Australia
He died in January 1996, aged 73 years and 5 months, in Victoria, Australia

Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.
Herbert Edwin Page1
(1916 - 1980)
Life Events
Herbert Edwin Page was born on 10 June 1916 in Holbrook, New South Wales, Australia
He died on Tuesday, 12 August 1980, aged 64 years, 2 months and 2 days, in Cheltenham, Victoria, Australia

Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.