Brian Leslie Cummings
(1959 - 1988)
Relationship | 1st cousin 2 times removed of Everline Josephine Cook |
Life Events
Brian Leslie Cummings was born on 24 May 1959 in Wangary, South Australia
He died on Sunday, 20 March 1988, aged 28 years, 9 months and 25 days, in Ceduna, South Australia

Brian was buried on 23 March 1988 in the Kimba, South Australia

Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.
Gary Robert Cummings
(1966 - 1984)
Relationship | 1st cousin 2 times removed of Everline Josephine Cook |
Life Events
Gary Robert Cummings was born on 24 January 1966.He died on Friday, 30 November 1984, aged 18 years, 10 months and 6 days, in Kimba, South Australia

Gary was buried on 4 December 1984 in the Kimba Cemetery, Kimba, South Australia

Any corrections or additional information about this person, including photos, will be gratefully accepted. If you can help, please contact me by clicking on the "Compiler" name below.